Part of a project called “Urbanizing Faith” led by Professor AbdouMaliq Simone, financed by the University of South Australia. This was to be done in five cities across the 'Global South', Hyderabad being one of them. The research was conducted by Hyderabad Urban Lab, under the guidance of Dr Anant Maringanti & Bhashwati Sengupta, the co-founders of HUL. 
The lives of 17 interviewees between the ages of 16 to 30, through a cross-section of different classes, religions, and social situations in the city, were visually depicted as maps based on their daily/frequent paths through the city, work, home and their over-all emotional well-being. 
The idea was to get an understanding of how young people navigate city life with respect to friendships, relationships, work, education and faith, through a lens of 'precarity'. These visuals were the result of the findings of these in-depth long form interviews. Each of the visuals maps the unique life of the person, their past, present and how they visualise their future. These visuals are to be read like a map, with the help of the legend.
Digital maps | Powerpoint | Urban Research | Hyderabad Urban Lab | 2015 | Digital
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